Saturday, April 9, 2011

Believing that it's Warmer!

Today we embraced the warm weather. When you live in Alberta anything above zero makes you think and feel like it's summer! So we go to the park, eat popsicles, wear sandals, and if your name is Julia you wear a swimsuit outside. Sorry I didn't get a chance to take a pic. So being as ambitious as we are we decided to get some KFC and go out again, just as it's getting cooler. Oh and you wear your sandals. And if your Julia you still wear your swimsuit, just underneath your clothes.

- Antonia posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Helena said...

Oh, how cute! :) It was warm here too, but no sandals....not brave enough!! ;)

ABDO said...

You gotta seize the day when you can. I too have embraced the sandals! Let Spring begin ;)