Monday, July 4, 2011

Wii Time

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit the weekend of Emily's B-day party. We were able to fit in some Dance Party Wii. I loved the party, but I think I loved this part of the weekend the most.

I will have to try to upload some video of my parents and the girls. Priceless.

I can't decide which one to load. They are all pretty funny. Some are longer...but so funny. Watch what you want.

Last Day of School

Our tradition carries on. Balloons and all!

Here are the girls jumping for joy that summer is here!


Julia Graduated from Kindergarten. I asked her if she wanted to wear a dress. She was pretty clear that she wanted to wear jean shorts and knee highs. The only girl not in a dress. But that's my girl, exerting her own fashionista ways.

The last day of school they had Cowboy days.

We have to say we love Miss Jessica, Miss Pati and Mrs. Jeanne.

We are so grateful for them.

Harry Potter Party

Somebody turned 9 in our house a little ways back. She had to have a Harry Potter Party. So here are a few pics from her party. We had fun. Here are the invites. Delivered by Owl.

Some of the Decorations.

We sorted everyone into Houses with our very own sorting hat.

Made Wands.

Played Quidditch.

Drank Butter Beer.

Had Owl Cake. Emily really wanted this apple cake with cream cheese frosting. I threw skor bites on the icing to make it look feathery. Boy did it taste good.

We had lots of fun planning and partying.

Summer Day 6

Our X-Box Kinect came today. We signed up with Telus TV and stuff and received an Xbox and Kinect. Emily and Daddy are playing it now.

Julia and I worked on some hooked on phonics. No rest for her this summer ;) Everyday we are going to work on her reading, just a little bit. We went to the $ store for some cheap incentives. Love the $ store. It can be quite the motivator.

It's Julia's turn tonight at Grandma's. Miss Becca just crashed. So the three of us are going to have quite the fun tonight with the new toy.

Side note. The garden is doing pretty well so far. I'm hoping the heat is here to stay. I'm already seeing some tiny zucchini and tomatoes.

Summer Day 5

Our new cousin Kelser was blessed today.


So off we went to Forestry Ward. He is a real cutie.

We visited with family and friends that day.

Here is a great pic of Emily. All grown up. New Hair, new dress, pearls and all.


Once again, we feel the pictures don't do her justice. ;)

She enjoyed a sleepover at Grandma's. And Julia and I got some mother daughter time once Becca headed to bed. A great day!

Summer Day 4

Big News!!!

Emily went from this...

To this...

And we LOVE it!

It no longer takes tears and time (lots of time) to do her hair.

The Pictures truly do not do her hair justice.

Her hair is so thick. There was so much of it. In fact so much that she will be donating it to Locks of Love.

We went to the mall and bought some hair accessories for her. We also found a couple of dresses for Miss Em. We can not get over how grown up she looks.

At the mall, we went to Winners. I think Shawn got a taste of what it's going to be like when we have teenagers. We tried on shoes. Then the girls and I grabbed about 15 dresses in total and headed off to the change room. We had a blast in there while Shawn waited for us. Even Miss Becca tried on a few things. She left the store with Shawn screaming, "My dresses, I need my dresses!" Which when she got home, she was disappointed that I did not purchase them for her. We picked up some sweet shoes for Julia. They are totally her. I will have to get a pic of them.

We watched Coraline that night after dinner.

We painted nails and put curlers in hair, for those who still had long hair ;)

Coraline was not that great of an idea to watch. Especially since we had to get up early for church the next day. The girls had a hard time going to sleep. I didn't realize it was going to be "that" scary for them. But it was.

The next morning when I woke Emily up, I said, "Good Morning Dear! It's your Other Mother."

Emily, "Don't ever say that again. I don't want no Other Mother!"

Kind of mean on my part. The good thing from the movie, even though it's animation, the girls have realized how good they have it. I am a pretty awesome Mom.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer Day 2 & 3

Day 2

Walk to the Gym, Gym, walk home in the wind, Emily and Julia off to Kaden's Pool Party, they had way too much fun, Dinner, Marble Slab, YUM! and then watching Legends of the Guardian of Gahoole. We had a full day of fun!

Day 3

Happy Canada Day!

We had a blast today. We went for Breakfast at Ricky's.

A very long bike ride. It was great having Emily on her own bike and Julia and Becca in the trailer. We visited friends and met their new puppy. Then headed of to Grandma's and went to Frank's for Popsicles and Snow Bob's.

When we got home, Becca and I had a nap and the Girls and Shawn had some down time. We headed off to Henderson for some of the Canada Day Festivities.

The Girls got a chance to play in some of the bouncy houses.

We had some Old Fashioned Rootbeer and of course picked up some Kettle Corn from our favorite place.

When we got home we BBQ, had some friends over and headed back to Henderson for fireworks with them.

My favorite thing was watching Becca watch the fireworks.

It was the first time we had brought her.

The girls stayed up the whole time and even stayed awake till we got home at 12:30am. And Yes, they did sleep in!