Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm here...real life, sort of

I haven't had much time to really post anything about our little fam. I'm hoping to do that tonight after the kiddos are in bed. I know I still have to post about Halloween, and I have this hilarious video of Julia pretending to be Julia Child...but I thought some of you that know me would get a kick out of this little post.

Okay, I confess, I'm a huge Twilight fan. I didn't get into to at first. A lot of my friends said they really couldn't get into the book. The Young Women I was serving with at the time were crazy about it. Especially one...who will remain nameless. But with that said, this summer while at the library, I saw the DVD and thought why not. I'll watch it. My Mom was out here visiting and I thought it would be something fun for us to do. Well, after I saw it, I had to read the books. I thought to myself... my Mom's here so I won't read them now, I'll just request them from our local library and when the get in I'll read them. Well a few days later, they all came in. Off we went to the Library. I thought I will start the first one, just reading at bedtime, because my Mom's here and I should really be spending time with her. Well it didn't really work like that. I was hooked. Totally and utterly hooked. I flew through the first one in a day and a half, took New Moon with us to the ward campout, which was just one night and lets just say in a few short days, I had read all 4 books! I wasn't really to social. I would even go to bed early claiming I was really tired but actually would stay up way too late and read. Looking back, I kind of feel bad...sort of, maybe... Well today on a blog that I follow they were having a New Moon giveaway, which sadly I didn't win...but I found this... Which Cullen heroine are you... I took the quiz... and ...

I'm a Bella! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!

I've told Shawn that if Edward comes to the door looking for me, well the reality is I'll have to leave him... He got a kick out if it, I hope you do too! Hey check out this giveaway! I really want this one...maybe I'll have better luck this time!


The Molcak's said...

ME TOO!!! lol. I'm prepared to fight for Luke keeps complaining that I'm ignoring him too, but hey, a girls gotta get her Edward fix right? lol. I knew I had a problem when I started New Moon in the morning and by 3pm my kids hadn't been changed out of their jammies and I was nearly done the book! lol.

Kinsey said...

That's awesome! I think every married, 20 something, mormon mama's story all starts out that exact same way! Now if we could only get Amy to hop on the band wagon. She doesn't know what she's missing! Ahhh Edward!

Fionna said...

I read Twilight when it first came out and no one had even heard of it so unlike you, I had no choice but to space out my reading. I also have first dibs on Edward...just sayin'