I thought it appropriate to make a post, even though my picture appears no where on this blog.
I live in a true Amazon Society where the man's opinion counts for very little and all decisions are made for me.
The Ormston Darlings Marketing Department also is concerned about it's image of visual beauty, and therefore I have been banned from photographs..
This blogs motto of "all boys are stinky" also is a gender slander that I have no input in changing.
So, I will go back to my cave now, but was allowed 5 minutes out to get some bread and water, and post this blog.
Enjoy the real darlings....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Mac is Dead!
So we had an awesome week off from school. We went up to Edmonton and saw Janessa and Steve. The Cousins had so much fun together. On the way home we stopped in Calgary and visited with Carissa, Luke, and Miss Macy. So I was all excited to come home and post pics and make notes...and my laptop would not work. So hopefully we'll get it fixed soon here and I'll be able to post some pics. On the bright side, I backed everything up on my external hard drive the day before we left!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Question? Is it so wrong to blog more then once in a day?
So I uploaded a bunch of stuff from my camera and I have time to share. I know I already left a post today. So the question, is it so wrong to blog more then once? Well it doesn't matter, cause I'm doing it! So a few things. Emily was recognized at an assembly at the end of January. So super cute. On the certificate that she received it said "Emily is a bright, responsible young lady who always likes to help others. Keep up the good work!" Her teacher Mrs. T is awesome.

One afternoon Julia wanted to play Hungry Hippos together. Her idea of playing Hungry Hippos, is me watching and her eating all of the marbles (with the hippos of course). Which we've lost most of. We had a blast together. Rebecca was watching and rolling around beside us on the floor. I found Julia's sunglasses and they totally fit on Rebecca. So cute! It was a fun afternoon.

While Shawn was away I asked the girls what they wanted for dinner one night. They declared "Chocolate Chip Pancakes" So I whipped some up before heading off to Young Women's. I had fun making "j's" and "e's". They thought it was the coolest!

So Julia was super quiet...I found her finger painting with soap in the bathroom on the downstairs mirror. Instead of losing it (which I never do, right!) we took a picture! Smile!

Next, Ward Valentine's Dance! They girls were dressed sooo cute! Of course, red, white and pink was their attire! Emily and Julia sure got their groove on. If I figure it out I'll post a video. Jamie, did such a cute job on her boys shirts. I just had to take a picture of the boys with the girls. I promise there is no match making going on here. But they are great boys!

Julia had her Valentine's Party at Preschool. So much fun. Shawn was able to take some time off that morning and come. It was great. I feel so blessed that he works from home and that we can have that flexibility.

And last, tonight we had our Valentine's Dinner. We had our traditional chocolate chip pancakes, with chocolate dipped strawberries, and sparkly juice. Very healthy! We always have it by candlelight and with our crystal glasses. We love this family tradition we started and it's so easy for me to whip up some pancakes!

One afternoon Julia wanted to play Hungry Hippos together. Her idea of playing Hungry Hippos, is me watching and her eating all of the marbles (with the hippos of course). Which we've lost most of. We had a blast together. Rebecca was watching and rolling around beside us on the floor. I found Julia's sunglasses and they totally fit on Rebecca. So cute! It was a fun afternoon.

While Shawn was away I asked the girls what they wanted for dinner one night. They declared "Chocolate Chip Pancakes" So I whipped some up before heading off to Young Women's. I had fun making "j's" and "e's". They thought it was the coolest!

So Julia was super quiet...I found her finger painting with soap in the bathroom on the downstairs mirror. Instead of losing it (which I never do, right!) we took a picture! Smile!

Next, Ward Valentine's Dance! They girls were dressed sooo cute! Of course, red, white and pink was their attire! Emily and Julia sure got their groove on. If I figure it out I'll post a video. Jamie, did such a cute job on her boys shirts. I just had to take a picture of the boys with the girls. I promise there is no match making going on here. But they are great boys!

Julia had her Valentine's Party at Preschool. So much fun. Shawn was able to take some time off that morning and come. It was great. I feel so blessed that he works from home and that we can have that flexibility.

And last, tonight we had our Valentine's Dinner. We had our traditional chocolate chip pancakes, with chocolate dipped strawberries, and sparkly juice. Very healthy! We always have it by candlelight and with our crystal glasses. We love this family tradition we started and it's so easy for me to whip up some pancakes!

Super Sunday!
Today the girls both had assignments in Primary. Emily was asked to speak and Julia was asked to say the prayer. They did such a great job. Julia got right up there. She said she didn't need my help, but I helped a little. We had done a practice prayer before we went to church this morning. She blessed the food and random people. So I thought how cute! When it came time she did awesome. She spoke in her soft sweet Julia voice. She was shy at all. The theme for primary this month is "I came to earth as part of a family". Here is what she said, "I came to the earth to be a part of my family. When I was born, I decided that I was so excited to be in my family that I couldn’t wait until it was time. I was born early as a pre-mature baby. I weighed a little over 3 pounds when I was born. The doctors were not sure if I would have any health problems. My dad and grandpa gave me a priesthood blessing in the hospital that I would get strong and healthy. I was supposed to stay in the hospital 6 weeks, and then the doctors would decide if I could go home with my mom and dad. I got so healthy, so fast, that the doctors let me go home at a little over 3 weeks. I am thankful for the priesthood and for my family." I was so proud of her. She read the whole thing. A little struggle with the word priesthood, but she spoke clearly. I was so touched. She showed a scrapbook page from her baby book, with pictures of her in the hospital. It was a Super Sunday! I can't believe how fast they grow.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
What should I title this?
So I should be writing on my own blog, but nope. I went on Sugardoodle for some ideas for YW's, and it just spiraled, to checking stuff out for Valentine's Day, then checking out other blogs, and other blogs, blogs, and blogs. Get the picture! I'm addicted!!! But I definitely have found some great ideas for like, EVERYTHING!!! So I've been crafting. One of my favourite pass times, especially when Shawn is travelling, or there is a holiday coming. I'm crazy. The kids have been having fun. We've started are Valentine's and have decided to start some new family traditions. You'll have to check back to see what they are. I feel like there is a lack of Valentine Decorations in our house, so Shawn will be pleasantly surprised (I hope). They Girl's are in utter bliss over it all. So watch some of our creations unfold over the days leading up to Valentine's!
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