Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My Kids Are Out to Get Me!!!
I swear my kids are out to get me! I know they are. It's seems like every Monday night or Wednesday night, they just don't want to sleep at 1am 2am 3am...get the idea. It's like they know, "Mom is going running tomorrow but I think she'll have so much more fun with me!" I do feel bad for Rebecca right now. She is still so stuffed up and is having a rough go. I woke up to screaming from Emily and Julia's room. I seriously thought I was dreaming at first. I go running down the stairs and find Emily sitting right up in her bed screaming. "I have to pee, but there's monsters! I can't get out of bed!" Poor girl! I assure her we have no monsters living here, but it still doesn't seem to be enough to console her. Finally she goes back to bad. Okay 2:45am I can still function, if I'm luck on 4 hours of sleep. As I finally lay down in my own bed, giving into the sleep...what do I hear...it sounds like a road race...the pitter patter of feet. Well just one set of feet. But boy where they fast. Julia comes running into our room. "I'm hot, I'm hot." First thing I think "Great, a Fever" Nope! She's just hot. Let's change the pajamas. But then the sweet girl wants to sleep with us. I found feet in the my face, back and my pillow gone. All the while Rebecca needs me sporadically through the night. I feel so blessed to be her food source especially when I look over to our bed and see Shawn snoring and Julia out cold. Well 5:30am comes. And I roll over and turn off the alarm. "I'm crazy if I try this" "should I sleep or run" and "If I'm lucky I'll get in one more hour of sleep!" I think, I can't even think. I succumb to sleep. I may have won the hour. I did I hear Emily's alarm go off. 6:45am. I realize one day I'll miss this. And it's neat to think they need me! Well, any of my running girls if you read this, I'll try again, but like I said THEY ARE OUT TO GET ME!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
And the "O" goes to...
Tonight we will have our awards ceremony. But the shorts are done. We even made a DVD with our wonderful MAC. The girls had so much fun. I have to admit so did I. Well here are our 3 shorts. The Hen and Her Baby, Christmas Tree Time, and The Princess. All stories are created by Emily. Hope you have fun watching, we had fun creating!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Day 2 was put on hold. Rebecca was pretty sick yesterday! So we had lots of cuddle time and watched a lot of movies. So today we are excited to have ... wait for it ... the 1st Annual Golden "O" Awards. The girls will be making their own short films, and will receive awards in the following categories: Best Short Film Picture, Best Colour use in a Short Film, Best Original Short Film Story, and Best Song Choice for Short Film. So its time to let their imaginations flow. Check back later for the Girls Short Films.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Spring Break Fun! DAY 1!
Emily has the week off school. Instead of going away we are hanging around here.
So to make this week fun we've planned theme days.
DAY 1 - Pet Day!
The Girls finally have their own pets.
Fish! Easy pets! The girls made them themselves.
I love the low maintenance and they are so proud.
We went to the pet store where we fell in love with this adorable Jack Russell.
We had lots of fun today!
Check back to see what we do for DAY 2.
Rebecca's Crawling!!!
We took some video of Rebecca starting to crawl. It is now 4 days later and she's got it! I took another video this morning. We have to put up the gates now and make sure there are no little toys on the floor. Along with the crawling is the desire to put everything in her mouth. I can't believe how quickly they grow up.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Lots to Say!

Emily did really well on her report card and decided to pick going to the water park as a special treat. She invited the whole family! We had so much fun!
At Emily's school they had a 70's and 80's theme day! Isn't she adorable!
Julia had show and share at preschool. She brought Barley and Bailey.
Julia had her Easter Concert at Preschool. She was so cute. She kept bowing after each song and poem. I have no idea where she got that from
We have a new edition to our family. Kyle and Karyn welcomed Peyton Lily to the family. She is adorable.
After Conference it was so nice out, that we went for a walk/bike ride around the lake.
Emily took off on her bike. Boy was she fast.
This past Wednesday we met up with some friends down in the river bottom. The girls rolled eggs down the hill and went for an egg hunt. Fun times!
So, we have new teeth, for Rebecca, one here and two on the way...
and Emily has two loose teeth. She is ecstatic and can't wait for tooth fairy to come!
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